Saturday, March 7, 2015

05 mac 2015

 03 03 2015 itulah tarikh keramat yang budak-budak batch 97 paling takut . Serius aku masa hari itu , aku pasrah gila . tambahan pulak pagi tu ada temu janji dengan doktor gigi . Aduhaiiii , pukul 12 lebih baru settle dengan gigi and terus ambil result tapi masa aku pergi sekolah , semua dah balik . cikgu pun aku tak sempat nak jumpa .--'

Pasal result ? result aku , Alhamdulilah lah . nak kata cemerlang sangat pun tak nak kata teruk pun tak . Aku cuma ada A dengan B je . SERIUS,Aku dah buat yg terbaik . apa-apa pun okaylah tu . i dont want to compare myself with another people . aku tahu ramai je berjaya dari aku tapi tu lah aku tahu tahap aku kat mana .belum tentu straight A spm kita Berjaya dalam hidup , ye tak ? just sekarang ni aku nak tahu nak belajar kat mana , course apa  and nak cari biasiswa kat mana . anyone ? help mee. klu korang tahu apa-apa biasiswa .

Aku tulis  ni pun sebab nak cerita apa yang aku buat kat sekolah masa 06 mac tu .

Sampai jer kat sekolah , aku terus pergi koperasi terjumpa cikgu Hasbullah . Cikgu Hasbullah ni cikgu Mod Math aku . Aku rasa banyak banyak subjek , kelas cikgu nilah salah satu kelas yang tak stress. Aku bersyukur sangat sebab cikgu ni klu ko tak faham dia akan terangkan balik kat kau dari A-Z ok. Memang lah best .pastu cikgu ni selalu jer bagi semangat kat budak-budak dalam kelas supaya boleh jer dapat A .even ayat dia setiap tahun sama jer :'D haha .

Lepastu aku pergi kaunter guru bertugas , jumpalah cikgu-cikgu. cikgu sarinah , cikgu yang ajar aku physics masa kelas tambahan . masa form 5 aku slalu stay kat sekolah sampai pukul 5 untuk class tambahan . mmg penat but it is worth . pastu cikgu add math . aku nak gi verified sijil sebenarnya tapi pengetua tak de pulak . hari ahad mungkin aku datang balik .

then aku pergi kantin ,jumpa pulak cikgu azizah . cikgu BM aku . Masa kelas dia semua orang cam relax jer .Aku klu boleh kerja komsas dia aku nak siapkan jugak dalam kelas :''D pastu citra kena buat sampai berapa ratus karangan tah :'D Aku cam terindu nak buat homework . aduhaiii . lupakan semua ituu . Cikgu Azizah pernah sekali suruh aku bagi talk lepas habis Bengkel Bm dgn Komsas . Aku ingat lagi , aku boleh ter menangis masa uww .ramai pulak uww depan aku . malu wehh . ye la masa tu memang rasa macam *ouhhh these time are hard , yeah its make us crazy dont give up on me baby * lagu the script -for the first time . haha . Aku rasa worst gila masa tuuuu . Aduhaiiii , sekarang hati aku lebih sadooo dahhh .hahaha . No more cryingg wehh . Cikgu ni selalu cakap dengan aku , bukan aku jelah satu kelas , sebelum apa-apa mesti kene senyum . ada masalah senyum .stress senyum and its helpful okay . Sampai bdk dorm aku kt plkn aku semua pelik apsal aq suka senyum and diorang pun nk belajar senyum dari aku . haha --'' . pelik tapi benooo . pastu jumpa kaunseling . then jalan-jalan kat sekolah . banyak jugak benda yang dah berubah kat sekolah aku ni. sekarang dah ada jejantas .Aku tak rasa lagi naik jejantas tu . dulu lintas jer :'D Dulu aku selalu jer balik jalan kaki pergi office ayah aku then lepak mamak . haha . best lah gak .belajar hidup berdikari masa tu , pastu nyanyi lagu born to die :'D

Aku bersyukur sangar dapat belajar kat sekolah dato ni daripada form 1 sampailah form 5 .Daripada kelas baiduri sampailah ke intan . daripada budak biasa sampai jadi setiausaha pengawas . Daripada sekolah menengah kebangsaan sampailah dah jadi sekolah kluster kecemerlangan . Siapa tak bangga weehhh masuk sekolah ni .Siapa tak kenal cikgu suzana weh :''D Yang penting im proud to be anak dato . (NO ONE IS SMART AS ALL OF US) aku tahu cam belagak je moto nya tapi tulah yang buat sekolah dato  berdiri . Forever anak dato .hehehe .

Jom tengok gambar pulak . hehe .

                                                       Dewan tempat aku ambil spm dulu

masa aku jadi pengawas f5 , aku jaga laluan kat sini , pagi-pagi buta dh repacak tgk orang lalu lalang

ni jejantas baru tu . 

tengok gambar aku dengan cikgu plak ye .

aku dengan cikgu Azizah .

aku . Ustazah Mashitoh , Cikgu Surieyani (cg sej aka PK HEM)

Well , semua ni cikgu yang paling aku sayang suka dan semuanyalah . Ustazahlah paling best layan kiteorang cam anak dia jer . Dia slalu jer bagi nasihat kat aku :'D 
Cikgu Su pulak klu dalam kelas emmm aku rasa macam asyik nak ketawa jerr .Watak cikgu sama macam hannan , budak delta yang aku jumpa kat plkn . sebijik ok . Aku kalau tgk si hannan ni mesti teringat kat  cikgu su . dengan gaya-gaya skali . haha .cuma aku tak jumpa cikgu wan , cikgu chemistry aku :( cikgu rushdan dah pindah ke kedah . cikgu fazihan pulak dh kena transfer .apa-apa pun terima kasih kepada semua cikgu yang telah mendidik saya :)

 Lepas tu , kawan aku ajak pergi burger king . aku pun join je lahh . dah lama tak lepak dengan pondan-pondan skalian . my girl-girl . diorang ni semua ex classmate aq masa form 4 .Aku paling okaylah dgn dorang ,selesa dengan dorang especially aainaa , farah dgn hanis . hehe .

                                                          bila pondan berbicara :P

kite dengan aainaa <3 nbsp="" p="">

 Lepas pergi burger king pergi tesco then today . Okaylah . a great day gak :) Good luck syira kat negeri sembilan :D hehe

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

10 habits successful introverts .

Hai semua , lama gila aku tak tulis blog ni dan ini post pertama aku tahun ni , tahun 2015 .Busy betul aku ni , kalah PM KITER YERR, haha .Nanti aku update pasal plkn pulak yer . Selama aku kat plkn banyak sangat perkara yang aku belajar pasal diri aku .Aku rasa aku lebih banyak kenal diri aku sekarang . Salah satunya ialah aku ni sebenarnya introvert person tapi bukan 100% lah .hehe . mungkin ambivert . not sure .  Dalam realiti kehidupan sebenar aku , aku ni pemalu sebenarnya dan  aku suka sangat ambil risk dalam hidup aku sampai membuatkan aku jadi seorang yang berani .ceh ? berani ker kauu ahh :'D ye la aku buat untuk diri aku .Aku dah macam tak kisah sangat pasal apa yang orng fikir pasal aku . Alhamdulilahhh :) tu pun aku rasa macam nikmat yang tuhan yang kasi . Jadi jom kita tengok 10 tabiat introvert berjaya . Aku copyy jerrr . tapi adalah skit dalam diri aku :P yang aku highlight tu . --'
okay .

 Jom baca english plak .

What do Barack Obama, J.K. Rowling, and Audrey Hepburn all have in common? They are considered to be people with introverted personality types, often perceived as shy or socially awkward, but really full of extraordinary talent and abilities. While extroverts are defined by their outgoing natures and more readable dispositions, introverts prefer to keep to themselves and think carefully before acting and interacting.
The misconception is that introverts don't like people or that they aren't good at socializing with others — which is not the case. The main difference between the two personality types is simple: extroverts tend to thrive more on interactions with people and in some ways need them to be happy and successful. On the other hand, introverts usually do not require energy and inspiration from anyone; rather, they find it within themselves more often than not.
These deep-thinking do-gooders have many qualities that make them perfect for leadership, success, and power, and here are just a few of them:

1. They look before they leap.

Planners that they are, introverts make an effort to understand how things work before making any rash decisions, so that when they do make a plan, it's well-informed and thought out.

2. They form deep, meaningful relationships.

Although introverts aren't necessarily social butterflies, they do tend to form very solid relationships with a select group of people. While they are able to get along with others in general, it's the deeper bonds they form that make people trust them more implicitly — which motivates those around them to follow their lead.

3. They can work independently to get things done.

While very capable working with a team, introverts often work best when left to their own devices. This quality makes them very valuable in professional environments, because they are self-driven and don't need to have their hands held, which is one reason why they tend to rise quickly in their careers. J.K. Rowling, author of the Harry Potter book series andself-proclaimed introvert, was quiet and shy growing up but started writing her thoughts and ideas down at the age of 6. When she hit it big, she did it by applying her talent and creativity without much help from anyone else.

4. They take the time to appreciate things.

Introverts are very good at differentiating between what's really worth their time and things that are just better to let go of. This ability to hone in on the positive means that they know when to cultivate something that has promise, usually resulting in a great outcome.

5. They are actually great public speakers.

Often perceived as being very shy, introverts actually do well speaking in public or to large groups because they tend to arrive very prepared, with a well-researched speech or presentation. When they are speaking about something they're particularly passionate or knowledgable about, it translates noticeably in their delivery. Barack Obama is frequently cited as an introvert, and it has certainly helped, not harmed him, when it comes to speaking publicly.

6. They help foster a team environment.

Introverts often work better with groups because they are good listeners, and this openness to compromise is beneficial in a group setting. Oftentimes, leaders who are overly extroverted can inadvertently steamroll people who aren't as outgoing or willing to speak up.

7. They are able to keep their emotions in check.

Because introverts aren't always as outwardly expressive about their feelings, they are more likely to evaluate these feelings alone, giving themselves time to sort out everything privately before addressing the issue publicly. This means there is less chance that they will explode or get outwardly upset at others; instead, they are often a calming presence during conflict.

8. They are OK with thinking and working outside the box.

They are not as concerned about following what other people are doing, and because of this, they are more willing to try out new, creative, and original ideas — even if they seem left of field or risky at first. Mark Zuckerberg, founder of Facebook, is a prime example of someone considered to be an introvert who took a different idea and made it into something extremely successful.

9. They know when to call it quits.

Introverts are very in tune with their needs. They will push themselves to their limits, but they avoid letting it get out of control. If they feel like they have exhausted all their resources on something and have given it their best effort, then they are capable of letting it go and pursuing another solution with an equal amount of effort.

10. They make their own happiness.

It's a difficult thing to find happiness when you seek it in other people — they can be unreliable or unaware of their responsibility to you. Introverts like to make their own happiness so that they have control over it. Audrey Hepburn called herself an introvertsaying, "I love being by myself, love being outdoors, love taking a long walk with my dogs and looking at the trees, flowers, the sky." Like many introverts, she knew exactly where her happiness could be found.

so , ini 10 tabiat berjaya dalam diri individu introvert . cubalah check manalah tahu sifat-sifat ni ada dalam diri korang ker . hehe :3

take from :