Thursday, November 26, 2015

Silk skin eh ?

So today , i decide to start writing this blog again with more content . I still do not know to write it in english or malay . But then , i write in english so i can improve it , i guess . Before this , I usually talk about event , my friend and etc which is what was happen in my life before and most of it is in malay  . Today i do feel . i want to tell you about skin . Skin is just like a silk for women even men (is it ? ) which is when we wear it we do feel confident and pretty . But does our skin is really like a silk ? are we really confident to walk with in our skin . So , lets take a few step for take care our skin . Everyone want a flawless skin right ? Mee toooo *cryingcauseidonthavethat*

I know im late to realize how important to take care my skin and of course i want flawless face maaa . It is never seen to late too try . So here a few thing that try and  i done to get my dream skin . 

FIRST , you must have facial cleanser . It is doesnt matter what brand that you use . Make sure that the product that you use is suitable with your face . is it  garnier , safi or even cap burung ? As long as your skin can accept the product and does not cause more damage then go for it . Make sure you clean your face at least twice a day which is in morning and night before sleep . but heyy why not cleaning more than twice ? 

TONER , it is important for you to put toner on your face after cleansing your face . Whyyy ?? because the pore of the face is open when you cleanse your face . It is to mprotect from dirt enter the pore . I do not use toner after cleansing my face but i put aloe vera gel on my face and replace it as my toner . I do not know if this is right thing to do but for sure there are a lot of benefits of using aloevera gel . It is not only use to cure sun burn but also help to moisturize and smooth the skin . Well , i will explain more about it on the next post . 

After watching a few drama korea .  It influence me so much which make me wanted to have flawless skin just like korean girl . Im so jealous . So , i discover that their habits which is drinking green tea help them to have that kind of flawless face . So starting from today , I want to drink green tea as my daily drink and start to take more vegetable and fruit as my food . I hope i will do it well . Go fighting ain !!!

WATER . whyyyyyyy ? this is one more thing that help skin to rejuvanate and avoid dehyration . Most 90% of our body is water . So I guess I drank less water since I went into college's life . I know its suck to have busy day especially when you have running to classs , finishing assignment and take the stress around it . But hey chilll ainn , you have to start you day with water ok .

get enough sleep . This is want thing that hard for me to do even when im free and nothing to do . heheh . I usually go late to sleep at night . It is not good for me and my skin of course . Why is it i need to sleep earlier mehh . Well the reason is our skin needs time to renew the skin.  Every two weeks , our skin will renew and it will start the process during night . Thats why lahhh you must sleep earlier. Stop yourself sleep at 3 am because watching movie and etc ehhh . 

The most thing that all of us does not like to do is exercising . Walaweh , i do feel that my ass is so heavt  to work out . We do like to eat and sleep a lot but when its come to exercising you know that its not as easy as a b c. You need to have a war with you mind to fight for jogging and i do will keep telling my self for fighting !!! I need to my ass so that i will get healthier and might have a beautifull body and ass . hahahaha , maybeee . Starting that i guess i want to have a war with my mind to start cyling for 50X round around the house huhu .

So starting for today , i will try to discipline my self with all this tip that i write for my self .I do hope that it might help my reader also if you begins to realize how important to have flawless, healthy or silk skin or whateverrr . I hope its help uss *yellingtellingIcando it*

All you have to do is keep FIGHTING !!!!!!!