Thursday, November 8, 2018

Malaysians Mentality ?

                                              Image result for mentality

Assalamualaikum and hello,

Im back for my final post of which is about social issues. So what kind of issues that exist right now?

Well, this is one of the major issues in here and anywhere you go. It is "MENTALITY"..
So what is mentality is about ?
the simple meaning of mentality is the way thinking of a person.

Based on my opinion, our country is still in third world mentality because there are so many things that we people here can't do even it is actually simple and east thing that a person can do.

#1 totally hard to throw rubbish in dustbin.
This is totally true, you can try to walk to the KFC, Mc Donald or any fast food place where most Malaysian just only left all the rubbish on the table and the reason why they don't really want to do it because of there's workers going to do it anyway.This might look like a small things but it totally major turn off for foreigner and children to see where now it totally already becomes a culture.

#2 if i don't do, there will be another people do it for.
I don't know, is it just me or is it real that most people afraid to take first step or action in doing something where most decent Malaysian is type of people that like to follow others like if he does it, then others will start to do it.  I hope so if it is a good culture, they will do it more and effect others to do it too.

#3 signal
This is totally something that people really close the eyes when signal is totally important where it shows direction and makes others understand where a person drives to and it really do can help to avoid any accident but there is still Malaysian who act no so manner in road like the road is theirs. I hope so people really do drive with manner and respect others because whe they start doing this, they ease others and can decrase the rate of accidents, for sure.

I guess this three point do describe the mentality of Malaysian that I seen  and I as one of Malaysian will try my best to thrown this manner in myself. I know it's not easy to change like whole Malaysians but all start with myself and lets hope that others will do the same too.

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Bribe is one of politics issues in Malaysia

Political issue ?
Hmmm, I guess there are so many things happen in Malaysia.
There are totally insane. This years our country have been rule by new government which is Pakatan Harapan. We really do hope this new government will really do help to grow Malaysia Baru for the sake of our generation and next generation.

                        Senarai Manifesto Pakatan Harapan

One of the biggest issue is about bribe. It kinds of sad when people knows Malaysia as a country that have the highest corruption. There are so many cases that related with bribe where most of them are our own leader of this country that create it. It upset me sometime because their decision really do effect our life but whatever it is we also do relieve at the same time because the new government try really hard to make sure Malaysia citizen lives harmony and deserve what we deserve. We are so glad that GST is being  remove for 0% and it really release people's weight on buying things because GST really effect the price to become high. GST have it own pro and cons but I really do think GST will be so successful if the country is a country with high income country and our our country is still on the way to achieve it.
Image result for gst

I guess that a little bit about politics that I managed to share. Will update more soon :)

Pollution everywhere

Assalamualaikum and hello everybody,

So today I will continue to write about environmental issues. Based on what I see and observe, the only issues that exist in Malaysia which related with environmental is about rubbish. There are totally a lot of plastics that use for store product, food and many more and it is important to recycle it back so that it can be use it again because its take long lifespan for plastics to decay.Whatever it is, I do support effort make by government where people need to pay 20 cent if they want the plastics and there is a day without plastics bag, this is the one way we can educate people to use less plastics in their daylife. Oh yes, a few weeks ago, I do watch Youtube where there is 14 years old kid who have idea to removes waste by create plastic-free shampoo where this really help to reduce waste and 100% natural ingredients. Let me share the video.

The second issues, that exist in Malaysia is air pollution. Living in Malaysia means that there is a lot of cars especially in big city such as Kuala Lumpur, Penang and Kuantan. It is good that there is a lot of public transport that provided to ease Malaysia citizen but there is still problem such as time arrival of bus, train and some of places need to manage well the timetable for the public transport time and acknowledge people about the timetable more so people will do know and use public transport more. Carpool also is one of the good way to less the pollution. It do save money and can help to have a good relationship with people around us. So, Carpool is one of way where do help to less the pollution without we realize.

There are two issues that I speak which is about rubbish and air pollution. I know Malaysia can be one of the great country if the citizen work hard and willing to make the change. Change is really powerful thing, even you do only change a few things in your life, it gives a powerful impact to you, people around you and environment. So change for the good !

Have a good day everyone !

Friday, November 2, 2018

Religious Issue

Assalamualaiakum and hello everyone,

Im back ! today I will write about religious issues. To be honest I am so gladful that we live peacefully even our country have different religious, culture, the way of life . To me, as a human, we really do need to respect others, I mean when there is group of people that are different with them, we should not neglect them but try to be friend and understand them and we might learn something from them too, same goes in religion. I know that different races have different way of life and the difference makes us unique.

In Malaysia, even we live peaceful but still there is a small group people that do make issues that related with religious which is azan. I know people might think that this is something small but it is actually big thing especially for non muslim. I really think that Azan is something that needed in one place and since Malaysia is a country with majority muslim. I think that others should respect it like how muslim respect their religion or any occasion.A meeting with each other can solve this kind of issue. I am pretty sure if we understand each other the way of life, we do happy and there is nothing conflict with that :).

That's it for today.
Will do write more in future  !!!

Saturday, October 13, 2018

Self Introduction

Assalamualaikum, Today I will introduce about myself, so that we can get closer.
My name is Sharifah Nurul Ain Binti Syed Mohamad. I was born on 9 February 1997, which was the first day of "Hari Raya Aidilfitri" on that year. I was born at Hospital Kajang, Selangor.
As I grew up, I did live in certain state for a while such as Selangor and Melaka and my final state which is Johor and had become the place for me to comeback home.

The story of  myself growing up is always in Johor. I did schooling my kindergarden in Tadika Pintar Bestari, primary school at SK Taman Rinting 2 and secondary school at SMK Dato Peggawa Timur and I do further my study at Kolej Profesional Mara Seri Iskandae in programe Higher National Diploma In Business Marketing and successfully finish my study. Now, I am doing part time degree study in  Bachelor of Business Administration (Marketing) in UITM Pasir Gudang and currently taking a short course in graphics design for 9 months at Giat Mara Pasir Gudang. I hope so, I can do well in my short course and part time studies.

When it about myself, I am that kind of person who believes that it is need a big kind of effort to make something becomes reality.I always do work my best in everything I do, If I don't get the best, I make sure that I do better. I always wanted to be a successful person and be a beautiful person inside and outside that inspire person to be better and good person. I may not be able to change the world but I hope my existence makes people around me better and good :) 

When it becomes to hobbies, I love to read the book (even I don not get to do this things because busy), singing, dancing, creating something new, shopping, making design, watching movies and YouTube and have a walk to anywhere. As a human,it is important to do things that we like so that we are happy. It is like when you do something that you like, you are rewarding and prioritise your own self. It show that you do spent time for yourself and that is meant you love yourself. 

As an individual, It is vital to fulfill what you need first. You need to put yourself first and do not forget to always being kind because everyone around us is struggling something that we do not know. Alway smile and think positive in your life. That's all an introduction and words from me.

Thank You.

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

My team of Product & Development

Learning course product and service development really do excite me in the first day of my last semester. I knew that this subject will be my favourite subject because I really enjoy learning about anything which related with marketing and product and services. Furthermore, I really love the way my lecturer teach us where is not just a class but also some fun learning such as explore,  debate and many more. To be honest, I really enjoy the class and I am really grateful because my lecturer keeps on explaining when I do not understand something. I knew I am such a blur student. I am sorry for that.

To be honest, group assignment is totally something that I am so worried and yes it haunts me and I do have some fight with my classmate about choosing the teammates where I feel everyone is so selfish and I end up take my hands up and walk away. Despite my situation on that moment where I do have some other responsibility and yes I need to work for this team too. I don’t know how to said and how selfish I found people at that times. I am totally hurt and feel burden about it but still thinking positive about it that this team can work out.

If you know me well, you know how positive I am in everything that I do. From the start, some of the members in this group really give the good commitment, idea and times for this assignment and some of them just take it something that they should do and they think it is totally okay to get pass but I, I want to get distinction. So, there are a lot of early plan that I do with my team despite of my limited time and most of it work well and I feel glad about it.

Before the forming the group we have the first meet in the group.As a the leader of the team, i divided the work by question where one person get one question where it is enough for my group which is five members. Since, my group there is lived outside of hostel, so it quite hard to make the meet but still yes we managed it. So, far I really do satisfy with some of the work and yes we do it together for the question 3,4,5 and we managed well but for the last question, I found that there are many things to cover and I guess there must be somewhere lacking L To be honest, on the days that we need to send the assignment madam do make some regale for my batch after sending the assignment. I am totally down and sad because I think it was not good enough but still yes I appreciate my team members effort. Thank you so much gang but the down and saddest me cannot be replace I felt like I am not good enough to work and gives the best, not only for the assignment but also the team. I blame that all not lack part is my fault.

The team work for this assignment until the assignment is submitted is good. We applied Tuckman development model where there is forming, storming, norming and performing.We do go through all the stage and get along well in the end. The level of interaction of the group is also good where everyone make their own part but we did not managed to complete the last question which is business analysis. I guess that the most challenging part of our team is by completing the question number 5.

                It’s a lie if there is no problem and something happen in a group. When there is dysfunctional in group, I will keep remind everyone in the group to do their part and ask them to tell all the members in the group if there is any question and problem. From here, I realize  that we go through storming stage, communication is really important where it can solve the problem. Not only that, communication also make everything and instruction clear, so that everyone can work well. That’s how the team manage the entire problem when there is problem. Understanding each other members is also important in group.I started to norming by keep reminding every each person role in this assignment group. I usually try to put myself in their shoes when they cannot attend, even sometimes I feel it’s unfair but as human being is important to understand their feeling. So, I just let it slight because if I was in there, I will feel very fortunate because team understands me but one thing for sure, I will keep remind everybody to do their part.

                About the quality of the assignment, it was good. This is because everyone works well and give their best.Everybody perform and try the best complete everything. The product end of the assignment is good but I guess there is somewhere lacking but overall I appreciate all the time, energy and money that spend by this team. I understand that every each person in this group have different ability and I cannot.

                There was a day where we need to consult with lecturer and I and my team really sorry because being late. This is because my mistake of miss looking the time of the consult. I know that lecturer mad at us but deep down inside we are really sorry and yes we work really hard for this assignment but who knows something happen along the way and the process of making this assignment. For sure, everyone want to give the best but yeah that the best what my team can give.

                What I have been undertaken differently and why is the way I work with team, I think that I learnt to tolerate with people more and control my emotion where I need to understand that everyone have different ability and I can expect everything to be perfect. They might be mistake and error and as a human being I should be a bigger person to help them instead being angry and dissatisfy. It is vital to communicate and understand other people situation as well. I hope when I ease their things and Allah will ease other things that happen in my life. I believe there are many thing that I learnt along the way in submitted this assignment. No matter what, I believe that every happen for a reason and I know there is something I learnt from it. I feel blessing with everything I go through and a chance that I get to learn this course and I know it will very helpful in my future. Thank you so much madam J.


1. How did the team functions ?
The team function started when I as a leader distribute the  question where everyone get one question. I give question to every each person question because in our group there are two members that lived outside so we decided to give number one and number two to them. For number 3,4 and 5 we who lived in Hostel take it because we think that if there is some time, we can help each others more since question number 3,4 and 4 is quite tough.

2.How did the team undertake the assignment ?

Everyone in the team know their own part where every each member take very seriously what to do with the question and how to answer the question. We also do meet each other, we usually set up time to meet in library to discuss about assignment. We also do overcome some problem together in the end of the day before we submitted our assignment where everyone gives their best in number five, We never thought that it will have many part, we did it until we submitted.

3.what was the level of interaction between team members ?
The level of interaction of me and my team members was good. Everyone is giving the best and helping each other when there is something that we do not understand and overcome it by sitting together and solve it.

4.Did the team work well managed together or was it dysfunctional? If the latte, how was dysfunctional eventually managed ?
It’s a lie if there is no problem and something happen in a group. When there is dysfunctional in group, I will keep remind everyone in the group to do their part and ask them to tell all the members in the group if there is any question and problem. From here, I realize  that we go through storming stage, communication is really important where it can solve the problem. Not only that, communication also make everything and instruction clear, so that everyone can work well. That’s how the team manage the entire problem when there is problem. Understanding each other members is also important in group.I started to norming by keep reminding every each person role in this assignment group. I usually try to put myself in their shoes when they cannot attend, even sometimes I feel it’s unfair but as human being is important to understand their feeling. So, I just let it slight because if I was in there, I will feel very fortunate because team understands me but one thing for sure, I will keep remind everybody to do their part.

5. What was the quality of the final presentation ?
About the quality of the assignment, it was good. This is because everyone works well and give their best.Everybody perform and try the best complete everything. The product end of the assignment is good but I guess there is somewhere lacking but overall I appreciate all the time, energy and money that spend by this team. I understand that every each person in this group have different ability and I cannot.

6. From your observation what should have been undertaken differently and why ?
What I have been undertaken differently and why is the way I work with team, I think that I learnt to tolerate with people more and control my emotion where I need to understand that everyone have different ability and I can expect everything to be perfect. They might be mistake and error and as a human being I should be a bigger person to help them instead being angry and dissatisfy. It is vital to communicate and understand other people situation as well. I hope when I ease their things and Allah will ease other things that happen in my life. I believe there are many thing that I learnt along the way in submitted this assignment. No matter what, I believe that every happen for a reason and I know there is something I learnt from it. I feel blessing with everything I go through and a chance that I get to learn this course and I know it will very helpful in my future. Thank you so much madam J.