Wednesday, April 18, 2018

My team of Product & Development

Learning course product and service development really do excite me in the first day of my last semester. I knew that this subject will be my favourite subject because I really enjoy learning about anything which related with marketing and product and services. Furthermore, I really love the way my lecturer teach us where is not just a class but also some fun learning such as explore,  debate and many more. To be honest, I really enjoy the class and I am really grateful because my lecturer keeps on explaining when I do not understand something. I knew I am such a blur student. I am sorry for that.

To be honest, group assignment is totally something that I am so worried and yes it haunts me and I do have some fight with my classmate about choosing the teammates where I feel everyone is so selfish and I end up take my hands up and walk away. Despite my situation on that moment where I do have some other responsibility and yes I need to work for this team too. I don’t know how to said and how selfish I found people at that times. I am totally hurt and feel burden about it but still thinking positive about it that this team can work out.

If you know me well, you know how positive I am in everything that I do. From the start, some of the members in this group really give the good commitment, idea and times for this assignment and some of them just take it something that they should do and they think it is totally okay to get pass but I, I want to get distinction. So, there are a lot of early plan that I do with my team despite of my limited time and most of it work well and I feel glad about it.

Before the forming the group we have the first meet in the group.As a the leader of the team, i divided the work by question where one person get one question where it is enough for my group which is five members. Since, my group there is lived outside of hostel, so it quite hard to make the meet but still yes we managed it. So, far I really do satisfy with some of the work and yes we do it together for the question 3,4,5 and we managed well but for the last question, I found that there are many things to cover and I guess there must be somewhere lacking L To be honest, on the days that we need to send the assignment madam do make some regale for my batch after sending the assignment. I am totally down and sad because I think it was not good enough but still yes I appreciate my team members effort. Thank you so much gang but the down and saddest me cannot be replace I felt like I am not good enough to work and gives the best, not only for the assignment but also the team. I blame that all not lack part is my fault.

The team work for this assignment until the assignment is submitted is good. We applied Tuckman development model where there is forming, storming, norming and performing.We do go through all the stage and get along well in the end. The level of interaction of the group is also good where everyone make their own part but we did not managed to complete the last question which is business analysis. I guess that the most challenging part of our team is by completing the question number 5.

                It’s a lie if there is no problem and something happen in a group. When there is dysfunctional in group, I will keep remind everyone in the group to do their part and ask them to tell all the members in the group if there is any question and problem. From here, I realize  that we go through storming stage, communication is really important where it can solve the problem. Not only that, communication also make everything and instruction clear, so that everyone can work well. That’s how the team manage the entire problem when there is problem. Understanding each other members is also important in group.I started to norming by keep reminding every each person role in this assignment group. I usually try to put myself in their shoes when they cannot attend, even sometimes I feel it’s unfair but as human being is important to understand their feeling. So, I just let it slight because if I was in there, I will feel very fortunate because team understands me but one thing for sure, I will keep remind everybody to do their part.

                About the quality of the assignment, it was good. This is because everyone works well and give their best.Everybody perform and try the best complete everything. The product end of the assignment is good but I guess there is somewhere lacking but overall I appreciate all the time, energy and money that spend by this team. I understand that every each person in this group have different ability and I cannot.

                There was a day where we need to consult with lecturer and I and my team really sorry because being late. This is because my mistake of miss looking the time of the consult. I know that lecturer mad at us but deep down inside we are really sorry and yes we work really hard for this assignment but who knows something happen along the way and the process of making this assignment. For sure, everyone want to give the best but yeah that the best what my team can give.

                What I have been undertaken differently and why is the way I work with team, I think that I learnt to tolerate with people more and control my emotion where I need to understand that everyone have different ability and I can expect everything to be perfect. They might be mistake and error and as a human being I should be a bigger person to help them instead being angry and dissatisfy. It is vital to communicate and understand other people situation as well. I hope when I ease their things and Allah will ease other things that happen in my life. I believe there are many thing that I learnt along the way in submitted this assignment. No matter what, I believe that every happen for a reason and I know there is something I learnt from it. I feel blessing with everything I go through and a chance that I get to learn this course and I know it will very helpful in my future. Thank you so much madam J.


1. How did the team functions ?
The team function started when I as a leader distribute the  question where everyone get one question. I give question to every each person question because in our group there are two members that lived outside so we decided to give number one and number two to them. For number 3,4 and 5 we who lived in Hostel take it because we think that if there is some time, we can help each others more since question number 3,4 and 4 is quite tough.

2.How did the team undertake the assignment ?

Everyone in the team know their own part where every each member take very seriously what to do with the question and how to answer the question. We also do meet each other, we usually set up time to meet in library to discuss about assignment. We also do overcome some problem together in the end of the day before we submitted our assignment where everyone gives their best in number five, We never thought that it will have many part, we did it until we submitted.

3.what was the level of interaction between team members ?
The level of interaction of me and my team members was good. Everyone is giving the best and helping each other when there is something that we do not understand and overcome it by sitting together and solve it.

4.Did the team work well managed together or was it dysfunctional? If the latte, how was dysfunctional eventually managed ?
It’s a lie if there is no problem and something happen in a group. When there is dysfunctional in group, I will keep remind everyone in the group to do their part and ask them to tell all the members in the group if there is any question and problem. From here, I realize  that we go through storming stage, communication is really important where it can solve the problem. Not only that, communication also make everything and instruction clear, so that everyone can work well. That’s how the team manage the entire problem when there is problem. Understanding each other members is also important in group.I started to norming by keep reminding every each person role in this assignment group. I usually try to put myself in their shoes when they cannot attend, even sometimes I feel it’s unfair but as human being is important to understand their feeling. So, I just let it slight because if I was in there, I will feel very fortunate because team understands me but one thing for sure, I will keep remind everybody to do their part.

5. What was the quality of the final presentation ?
About the quality of the assignment, it was good. This is because everyone works well and give their best.Everybody perform and try the best complete everything. The product end of the assignment is good but I guess there is somewhere lacking but overall I appreciate all the time, energy and money that spend by this team. I understand that every each person in this group have different ability and I cannot.

6. From your observation what should have been undertaken differently and why ?
What I have been undertaken differently and why is the way I work with team, I think that I learnt to tolerate with people more and control my emotion where I need to understand that everyone have different ability and I can expect everything to be perfect. They might be mistake and error and as a human being I should be a bigger person to help them instead being angry and dissatisfy. It is vital to communicate and understand other people situation as well. I hope when I ease their things and Allah will ease other things that happen in my life. I believe there are many thing that I learnt along the way in submitted this assignment. No matter what, I believe that every happen for a reason and I know there is something I learnt from it. I feel blessing with everything I go through and a chance that I get to learn this course and I know it will very helpful in my future. Thank you so much madam J.

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